Expert Rental Property Management Services in Perth and Regional WA

Realmark’s reputation for integrity, innovation and excellence underpins our approach to property management. For almost 30 years, we’ve successfully managed thousands of residential and commercial rental properties on behalf of owners in the Perth metropolitan area and regional WA. Being entrusted with this task is a privilege, and it’s a responsibility we never take lightly. We’re acutely aware your property is a serious investment, and we’re committed to helping you maximise your returns, with minimum fuss.

We Listen Carefully

Our experienced team is passionate about real estate and intimately understands the WA market. We keep pace with local developments and trends, and we offer an extensive tenancy network, award-winning marketing and practical guidance. Importantly, we listen, we use initiative and we provide personal attention. When we partner with you, our priority is to understand your immediate and long-term investment goals. We analyse the location, amenities and unique offering of every property we sell, lease or manage, and we apply this information to market and manage your property in a way that enhances its value.
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We Manage All The Property Management Details

We’re flexible and understand one size doesn’t fit all, so we offer the solutions you need, when you need them. We can help you manage every aspect of your rental property, we can provide one-off services such as tenant selection, rent reviews or property inspections, or we can tailor a solution to meet your specific needs. If you’re not sure what you need, we can guide you in the right direction. And if you have several rental properties, we can make life even easier by consolidating the management of your assets. Many owners approach us to find out if they’re achieving the best possible rent for their property, while others want to know what they can expect before making a purchase. With our extensive property knowledge and understanding of local market conditions, we can provide insights to assist owners in making informed decisions.

We’ll Give You Total Confidence

We adhere to the highest industry standards and recognise the importance of good communication, be it with owners, tenants or service providers. Our property managers are well-versed in the Residential Tenancy Act, and work respectfully with all parties to ensure their obligations are fulfilled. If you own rental property, and are looking for a diligent and proactive property manager who understands the importance of protecting the value of your investment, we’d love to hear from you. Talk to us now.

Our number one goal is to maximise the occupancy of your rental property.

Our number one goal is to maximise the occupancy of your rental property.

We understand a vacant property can cause financial stress to owners, so we apply specific strategies, in consultation with you, to attract and retain quality tenants who will respect your property as if it were theirs.

Combining our extensive tenancy network and award-winning marketing capability, we ensure that your property is presented to impress.

Our stylish and cost-effective marketing material, along with bold street signage, is designed to present your property in the best possible light. We advocate professional photography, and will work with you to describe and highlight the unique aspects of your property to prospective tenants.

We harness the power of direct, electronic and online marketing to promote your property to our own large database of qualified tenants, and to the broader rental marketplace via advertising on multiple real estate websites.

We also feature rental properties on our website which attracts hundreds of visits each week, and we showcase rental properties in our own publications which are issued regularly to our tenant database.

Talk to us about how we can help manage your rental property.

Why hire a property management company?

We’re here to help you minimise the burden of managing your rental property, while maximising its investment value.

Our experienced team excels at finding suitable tenants by ensuring your property is presented professionally, and maximising exposure through attractive marketing.

Using our proven processes, we short-list and comprehensively assess tenants through referrals and database checks, before presenting them to you for consideration.

We expertly negotiate lease terms on your behalf and help you navigate the WA Residential Tenancy Act, an almost 200-page legislative document with over 1,400 ever-changing provisions governing the management of residential property in WA.

We conscientiously manage relationships to ensure all parties are aware of their obligations, and we communicate regularly, bringing important matters to your attention early and ensuring any issues are promptly addressed.

We also provide advice on what improvements will increase your rental value, and we help you review the rent at lease renewal time, or at other times when required.

Our team provides the complete range of property management services including:

  • Selecting tenants
  • Conducting rent reviews
  • Managing lease renewals
  • Conducting inspections and preparing property reports
  • Reconciliation of outgoings
  • Preparing budgets
  • Maintaining the condition of buildings
  • Coordinating maintenance and repairs
  • Property enhancement advice
Talk to us about how we can help manage your rental property.

What we do, what you do.

You can trust our team to take care of all the finer details of managing your rental property.

We leave nothing to chance, giving you peace of mind and time to focus on other priorities.

Here’s a snapshot of how we manage your property:

1. Finding Tenants

After marketing your property, we short-list tenants and conduct referrals with their current and previous landlord/agent. We confirm their employment and check them against a National Tenancy Internet Database to see if they’ve been previously lodged as a bad tenant.

We provide guidance on their tenancy rights and obligations under the Residential Tenancy Act, and prepare a Tenancy Lease Agreement which covers terms and conditions, bond, ongoing rent and other costs associated with their tenancy.

2. Inspections And Property Reports

Before a tenant moves in, we thoroughly inspect every area of your property. We check the condition and cleanliness of walls, ceilings, light fittings, window treatments, stoves etc and record any marks, scratches and dents. We also take photos as a visual record of the condition of the property.

We provide the tenant with a detailed property condition report. Once this and all other forms have been signed, we ensure bond money is collected and the first payment of rent is received before handing over the keys and possession of your property.

We conduct the first rental inspection six weeks after a tenant moves in, followed by regular inspections every three months. We note any repairs reported by the tenant or that we’ve observed, and any other recommendations needed to assist you in keeping the property in the best condition possible.

We attend to urgent repairs in accordance with the Residential Tenancy Act and respond to other repairs as per your instructions using our network of contractors. We document which repairs are the tenants’ responsibility versus yours, and we also handle compliance issues such as smoke alarms, RCDs and security.

When the tenant advises us of their intention to vacate, we send them detailed information on our expectation of how the property needs to be presented, and we arrange to have a special water reading performed.

We only refund the bond after all monies are paid by the tenant, including any outstanding rent, water bills or other fees.

3. Financial Management

We manage all the rent and collection payments on your behalf, depositing them into your bank account monthly. Sometimes we may need to contact the tenant to remind them they are in arrears, and we follow up with arrears notices and other procedures.

We provide you with both monthly and yearly financial statements, accounting for all monies we have handled and disbursed to you, on your behalf and in accordance with legislative requirements. We also provide any tax invoices from contractors or other disbursements upon request.

Talk to us about how we can help manage your rental property.

Why choose Realmark for Property Management?

You can be confident your rental property is in reliable hands with our team.

Having helped hundreds of property investors over the years in WA, we understand that good communication and maintaining respectful tenant relationships is essential to the successful management of your property.

From experience we know that informed and content tenants are more respectful of your property, and more likely to stay for longer. Retaining quality tenants equates to more secure income for owners, less fees each time a property is vacated, and potentially lower maintenance costs.

Our approach with tenants centres on being honest and courteous, and in return we expect the same from them. At the same time, we maintain regular communication with owners, and we keep you informed of any matters that need to be resolved.

Should any tenant not meet their obligations, we act swiftly to protect your investment. We’re not afraid to be firm when we need to be, and you can be assured we will always put your best interests first.

Talk to us about how we can help manage your rental property.

Manage My Property

If you’re looking for peace of mind, Realmark’s experience, systems and knowledge will give you the confidence that your property will be cared for, and your investment return maximised.

We’d love to help manage your rental property. Talk to us now.

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